UHF Antennas
Side antenna

2D – Reading from 2m to 6m
Antenne orientable
- Side or above position (compatible with the DAG arch)
- Reading from 2m to 4m
- Bidirectional reading field
- Light and waterproof
- Compatible with all UHF readers and chips
Mat antenna

1D – Reading from 2m to 8m
Mat detection antenna on the ground.
- Mat antenna on the ground
- Reading from 2m to 8m
- Antennas and mat are separated
- High detection capacity
- Compatible with all UHF readers and chips
HF Antennas

1D/2D – From 2.50m to 10m wide
Antenna recommended for sport
- Available in 1D or 2D
- Various gates width (of 2m50, 4m, 6m, 10m)
- Compatible with LRD readers and black boxes
- Compatible with V4 and V6 DAG chips
- Capacity of detection: 3000/minutes
DAG Access

1D/2D – From 0.9m to 2.10m wide
Antenna recommended for access control
- Available in 1D or 2D
- Various gates width (0.90m, 1.60m, 2.10m)
- Compatible with LRD readers
- Compatible with MX DAG smart cards

1D – 4m and 10m wide
Recommended for sport applications, reading chip hang to the foot
- Mat antenna on the ground
- Compatible with LRD readers and black boxes
- Recommended for SlimDAG and DAG Chip